Reviews and a Reel! Click on the movie icon below to watch Frank's reel, and scroll down to read some notable reviews from various stage performances, many award winning.
Drama-Logue "Performance Award" Winner - Frank Simons
"Frank Simons' transition from snobbish steward to simpering suitor an especially hilarious stand-out." - Elias Stimac - Drama-logue
"...picture Malvolio (Frank Simons) as Pepe Le Pew gone mad..." PICK OF THE WEEK - Connie Monaghan - LA Weekly
"My personal favorite involved the character Malvolio, played by Frank Simons. Not only did he make me laugh the most, but he demonstrated an extraordinary range of attitudes and emotions." - Stephen J. Thomas - Social Review
"The Lady's steward, Malvolio, is played magnificently by Frank Simons." - Diana Alanis - Valley Vantage
"Sometimes seeming to jump out of his skin, Frank Simons narrates the story while quintupling as Scrooge's clerk Bob Cratchit, Marley's ghost, and the Spirits of Christmas Present and Future. Simons ignites the fire within each of his characters, and lets their passions consume the stage." - Stage Raw - RECOMMENDED - by Devin Weil
"Best Actor" - Frank Simons - Deathtrap - Palo Verdes Players
"RAVE! the top of the list is Simons, whose Sidney is charming and erudite yet thoroughly grounded in matters of the flesh. Simons' comic side is every bit as good as his menacing one, and his ability to deftly switch from one to the other keeps the viewer constantly off balance." - Kathryn Martin - Daily Breeze
"...Frank Simons as the Mephistolian playwrite Sidney Bruhl, the role played by Michael Cain in the 1982 movie, stands out. A mix between a madman and the devil himself, Simons holds the audience in the palm of his hand, setting us up for shock and disbelief with great timing." - Palos Verdes Pennisula News
Film Chinois - Ovation Award - "Best New Play."
"A much needed distraction is provided by the deliciously villainous Frank Simons as the reptilian Belgium Ambassador...Simons is the only cast member who appears to generate any heartfelt fevor, as the Ambassador executes his own angst-filled agenda." - Julio Martinez, Variety
"The Ambassador (Simons), is believable whether lecherous or a terrified captive." - Beth Temkin, Tolucan Times
"Actor of the Year" - Frank Simons - Leader Newspaper
"...and sends for Professor Van Helsinki...this Christopher Lloyd resembler...keeps denying his thick german accent, his Nazi goose-steping struts, and an uncontrollable impulse to exclaim "Heil!"...Frank Simons gives a riveting performance in the role. Onstage for almost every moment of this 60 odd minute, two act trip, Simons lets loose with both barrels, skillfully avoiding overkill." - Alan Reaburn - Accent, Glendale News-Press
Bobby & Matt: Passing Notes through Life
"For a stage actor, it must be quite a task to act while doing nothing more than sitting on a barstool and reading from a stack of papers. Yet for Simons, who has done some professional work as a voice actor, it was never a question on whether he was experiencing pain, happiness or even defeat." - James Famera, The Burbank Leader
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with David Allen Jones |
"Frank Simons grounds the production with a Scrooge who looks like Lionel Barrymore, and segues vividly from his early framing role as the Stage Manager through the suffering miser years to his joyful epiphany on Christmas morning." - Laura Hitchcock,
"Frank Simons is the haired...Stage Manager...forced to take on the role of Scrooge. Simons is wonderfully grumpy and still appealing and his fringe of white hair which gets more messed up as he gets more frightened, is amazing." - John Farrell, Long Beach Press-Telegraph
"In a breif comical sojourn in the afterlife...during a philosophical discussion with the creepy, but hysterically funny Lt. Charles (Frank Simons), Zero learns he must return to Earth..." - Lovell Estell III, LA Weekly
Lt. Charles |
Lt. Charles |
"Frank Simons creates a unique and full-bodied comic character with Pentil. His wild hair and bug eyes practically scream 'whack-job,' but Simons hints at a hyper-intelligence under the surface." - Paul Hodgins, Orange County Register
Pentil |
Frank Simons with Vince Cefalu |
"Frank Simons will capture your heart with his Art Carney-like presence in a scarlet doorman's outfit that can barely contain his bubbling generosity and sincerity. The most touching scene is when he finally looks upon Kumi's scarred face but see's only the light in her eyes." - Debbie K. Swanson, Santa Monica Evening Outlook
"Yet Simons, a...Dramalogue Award winner, easily nets the most laughs with his vivid facial expressions and fluid body movements." - Eric H. Roth, Village View